VA Welcome Guide 

The VA Welcome Guide provides a broad overview of services VA can offer you.


Milwaukee Regional Office

The Milwaukee VA Regional Office helps with applying for veteran benefits. 


Veterans Pension Information

Americans who have served in the military may qualify for the Veterans Pension, a tax-free monetary benefit. However, not all veterans are aware of the many financial options that are available to them. This link features a wide range of topics related to veterans’ financial literacy.


NEW:  National Veterans Finance Center (FINVET)

The National Veterans Financial Resource Center (FINVET) website connects Veterans to financial tools and resources to help 1) meet basic needs; 2) manage money; 3) increase income; 4) lower debt & bills; 5) protect money.

A Guide to Veterans’ Benefits 

This guide will explain several VA benefits, especially those that apply to seniors. It includes how to use VA benefits to pay for long-term care needs, the eligibility requirements, and the application process for benefits, so you can determine your options for using those benefits to pay for your health needs.  


Memory Care Resources for Veterans 

To help veterans and their families, has created a guide to walk you through the basics of dementia and memory care. In this guide, you’ll explore several ways that the VA can help you afford memory care services, and you’ll find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about memory care.